BMW E46 M3 Special Interest Group
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Posting commercial content to the SIG Lists in any format is expressedly forbidden, except under the specific mechanisms provided through being an affiliated Sponsor of the SIG. "Commercial" posting is defined as any content posted by someone in the capacity of a commercial establishment or acting as a commercial establishment.

Please note private party sales are allowed. Individuals may advertise their personally owned items, so long as they pertain to the SIG charter (i.e. don't try to sell a Ford Pickup truck or BMW 735iL). People purchasing items expressedly for resale and profit are considered to be acting in a commercial capacity and therefore not allowed to post items to the SIG.

Specifically prohibited commercial content:

  • Any e-mail selling of product or services.
  • Any posting of commercial relationships or URLs, business names or links to business web sites.
  • What is commonly known as a "signature" at the bottom of e-mails which include business URL's or other business references.
  • Influencing SIG members to post reviews of business products. provides a Sponsor package for those interested in commercial access to our communities. We carry a limited number of Sponsors and carefully select those sponsors as we consider their supporting relationship to our community important. So does our membership. If you would like to be a Sponsor, please contact Filippo Morelli for more information and a Rate Card.

A word to those that question our commercial posting policy:

Some people don't understand why they can't join the SIG and advertise freely, having their business profit from the work and resources applied by Simply, you make money from our hard work and we receive nothing in return. How convenient.

Most importantly, we deeply appreciate our Sponsors -- those that provide the funding to support our Special Interest Group. They receive exclusive commercial access to the membership in return. Protecting their interests as our sponsoring clients is of utmost importance.

It's simple for us -- when unauthorized commercial posts are made to the List, our product (advertising access to our communities) is being stolen by the offending party. It's no different than walking into a person's business and walking out with products not paying.

If someone posts commercial content, this is our policy:
1st time - A warning and reference to this URL is sent explaining our policy. (everyone makes mistakes)
2nd time - The member will be placed in Read Only mode for two weeks.
3rd time - The member will be removed from the SIG.

My apologies to any rational people I've offended with this description. If you only knew the conversations I've had with some opportunists...

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